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Sunday morning

Services start at 10:30 am Sunday mornings. Please use main doors on Victoria Avenue.

This coming Sunday, Jan. 5th we will be going back to a narrative. Starting the new year in the Old Testament. Exodus 14:8-31 tells the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea. Which seems an appropriate way to start a new year, as God will make a path before us -even if there seems to be so many dangers, obstacles, and trouble in our way. God went beside, before, behind, and all around the Israelites, and so does he for us today. "We walk into the new year with God beside us, God before us, God behind us, all around us!"


Video Sermons
Coffee time

There is coffee and cookies and a time of fellowship in the basement following the service.



​There are prayer volunteers available after the church service for any prayer requests needed by the congregation. Please feel free to ask our prayer volunteers to sit and pray with you.

Sunday School

Weekly, children from kindergarten to grade 6 meet during the service for Sunday school. The Bible is explored and lessons taught by church volunteers.

Children's Play Room

We have an unsupervised playroom downstairs (with streaming of service) for anyone who wishes to take their littles downstairs during the service.

Opportunity to Bless

We like to help out our community! On Sunday mornings, drop off your gift in the bin according to what we're collecting for. It could be breakfast foods for schools, socks for homeless people, dry goods for our food bank, or a host of other things! 

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